Saturday 20 April 2013

Montes Apenninus

For the first time I am trying a 4 x 2" ED barlow. Working at approx f 28 There are more than a few wonderful targets I can build a detailed mosaic image from. The first target was the stunning Montes Apenninus. Captured from the enigmatic Copernicus in shadow down through the high walls and multiple central peaks of  eratosthenes. A gentle curve to the rugged mountain peaks extends down to Mons Hadley, Home now to a lunar rover and the landing site of Apollo 15 near to Hadley rille. I have just spent a few minutes zooming in on the region and can match features to confirm the landing area. I can also just make out Hadley rille meandering it's way though the region. . A lava flow into or from Mare Serenitatis concludes our 600 mile journey across the mountains. Centre is my favourite crater Plato, A lava filled impact crater some 3.8 billion years old It appears to be 101 miles of perfectly smooth lava?? To the east is again a strange feature called Vallis Alpes anoth lava filled fault either side of steep walled cliffs.My last visit is to two craters on the right the higher to the left is the steep walled Aristoteles and the slightly smaller Eudoxus. Here endeth my tour of a beautiful area of our nearest neighbour.


Addendum 22/4/13 I have now RGB aligned and a gentle sharpen added.

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California Nebula

  NGC1499 The California Nebula. Discovered in 1889 The California Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation of Perseus, currently v...