Sunday 10 July 2022


It has been a tough couple of weeks wondering what the hell is wrong with my set up, and subsequently been a while since I posted any astro images, A power supply problem caused a few strange issues with the imaging camera, but all resolved now and running on full power again. Eager to capture some photons the dome was rolled back over the weekend and captured 6 hours worth of data on an amazing emission nebula. Ngc6888 is also known as the Crescent Nebula, but for me it resembles a jellyfish adrift on an ocean of stars. The colours you see here are 2 specific wavelength's of light Hydrogen (red) & Oxygen (blue), both are shells of gas produced from violent stellar winds from a star at the heart of this cloud.
Once again I have found a you tuber who has a great and easy to follow workflow. This time it was

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California Nebula

  NGC1499 The California Nebula. Discovered in 1889 The California Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation of Perseus, currently v...