I started with the accumulation of 3 hours in 20 minute subs with flats using the William Optics GT81 and starlight express camera. Resolution was 3.37"/pixel with a field of view at 2.83° x 1.88°. I also captured another 5 hours 40 minutes from the FLT110 TMB with darks and flats. Resolution would provide 2.09"/pixel. in a 1.75° x 1.17° field. Unfortunatly I did not manage to keep the angle of camera rotation the same so the final fov would be somewhat smaller. Calibration worked reasonably well in Maxim, a few hot pixels remaining not 100% happy with the flats from the 81mm either. The 81mm frames scaled to the 110mm's ok though. Processed with just levels and curves in photoshop. Definately a gradient there. I will have a go at that later.
This was starting to gather pace like finding a great great great uncle on Ancestry.com.
Using the VizieR Online Data Catalog: GMP catalogue: galaxies in the Coma cluster (Godwin+ 1983). Classification confirms it is a galaxy within the cluster one of 6724 with a magnitude >21 in a 26.3 degree square area centered on the Coma cluster.
Size appears to be 6 x 4 arc seconds. So resolving at 2.09"/pixel that would equate to around 3 pixels on the camera sensor at magnitude 21.84. Bottom left is a 800x zoom and inverted image of the location, CDC photographic plate is on the right. Finally on the left show 3 pixels that are a few shades lighter than the background. This confirms the deepest I have ever imaged.
The 2nd line confirms RA and Dec and a magnitude of 21.84
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