Saturday 19 October 2013

Pixinsight Processing.

I don't mind admitting that Pixinsight is a difficult programme to get to grips with. I am currently running the 45 day trial. I am struggling with the preprocessing script. I have taken a series of 5 minute subs on M81,M82 over several nights. I made a small error and did not plate solve correctly and the 2nd night was not framed quite the same. As it happens that was the least of my worries. The first attempt was jus light frames only. Darks, Flats & Bias frames captured on night two. These images are from just those light frames processed by Andrew Luck at our Great Ellingham observatory. Andrew's skill in using Pixinsight is obvious to see, with the stunning wide field vistas he is producing. Please take a look at what his QHY9 is capturing at .
I had preprocessed with Image Calibration and Image Intergration to obtain a 3 hour exposure. I was amazed at how tight the stars were even when cropping. The new Ioptron IEQ 45 mount is astounding in it's guiding capabilities. I have a pic of a lovely even graph. (but I cannot find it)

Right so here we have a cropped image of the pair. There was a serious hot pixel problem which pixinsight gave a good attempt to remove despite no dark frame intergration. Andrew has followed a standard workflow to enhance the master frame. The real skill is knowing how much stretch, Tweaking, adjustment to make before thee next tool is used. I have tried with the same master. Not quite the same result. I also post on my facebook page and the Breckland AS page too!/groups/176906152365752/ like and join the page to follow all my frinds images.
The processing of the M82 Galaxy was a real treat to watch as it emerged from the hidden data.
I hope you agree a fantastic piece of processing to
get such detail from the core. Testament to the
SXVm25c too. I would like to test the Canon 40d on the same subject to do a comparison in the depth of detail captured. Please ignore the hot pixels. I am still struggling to remove them despite now having the darks. I mentioned earlier that I was trying to get to grips with the preprocessing script. It / I have an issue with my flat fields. It will not accept there is a signal there and refuses to combine them to a master. I have now managed to create a flat manually. Next issue I have come across occurs with the light frames in the preprocessing script it debayers ok and now cannot locate any stars in the frame. I have tested the whole process using Maxim and everything combines with no issues.
 I would consider myself a patient / tolerenat person god know I need to be in my line of work. But I am just so frustrated with it. I feel at the moment somewhat demoralised by the lack of consistent workflow guides and explanations given on various web pages. I seem to get problems in every step or script I try. Very pleased again with the detail in and around the core. Don't get me wrong it is an amazing piece of software. I am sure there are many who are in the same boat as me. I would like to hear from anyone who is? By now I was desperate to combine those new light frames giving me a total of 5 hours of light. I ran the whole set through Maxim and the flats really make a difference from the vignetting I could see on the 3 hour master. I have yet to play with it using the pixinsight processes but I will not be defeated and will post an update. Watch this space..........I have never using the old set up been capable of 5 hours worth of usable data. Even the smallest of stars are perfect. Sorry for banging on about it but this has really impressed me and I think given me a platform to produce some future stunning images. So in conclusion I am down, but certainly not out, the Jury is out and a verdict no yet reached. How many days of the trial left ?????

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