Thursday 15 August 2013

A Mamoth Cosmic Collision

300 Million lights years away lies a quintet of interacting galaxies.
NASA/ ESA Hubble Space Telescope has imaged  the central part of Stephan's Quintet, giving a magnificent view of a gigantic cosmic collision. Weird, highly distorted features, dust lanes crossing between galaxies and long filaments of stars and gas extending far beyond the central regions all suggest galaxies twisted by violent encounters. The galaxies float through space, distorted shapes moulded by tidal interactions, weaving together in the intricate figures of an immense cosmic dance, choreographed by gravity. My lowely 90mm Set up does not quite achieve the resolution of hubble but none the less I am very happy with the 1.5 hours of 5 minute sub exposures giving me a lovely sharp image. I also like the way Ngc7331 frames itself with it's gaggle of galaxies in tow.

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