Saturday 20 July 2013

Summer Triangle

High above us in July we can see 3 of the brightest stars in the summer sky. They form an astronomical "asterim" ( an imaginary) triangle that cuts into the soft glow of the milky way.The closest of the three is Altair 16 light years away and 10 times as bright as our Sun. Secondly is Vega 25 light years away and featured in the Jodie Foster film "Contact" as a possible source of
intelligent life. Our final giant is Deneb. It appears only slightly dimmer than the other two but fires up at a massive 70,000 times brighter than the sun and a mind
blowing 1550 light years or 26 times the distance of Vega. As you are aware this composite of of course not to scale.

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California Nebula

  NGC1499 The California Nebula. Discovered in 1889 The California Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation of Perseus, currently v...