With the new job requiring many hours of my time. I finally had the opportunity go go outside last night. Things didnt go well. I went through the usual processes polar align scope, check balances, focus DSLR, connect guide camera (bugger) I think I have broken it. In connecting it up I power up first as required then tried to plug the USB into the ST4 port I heard an electrical crack sound and immediatly removed the plug connected to the USB socket and nothing. I powered down and reconnected several times but to no avail.
I continued the evening by just taking about 20 x 30 second exposues at ISO 1600. Deep sky stacker co added the images and Images plus has processed with a DDP stretch. Unfortunatly by now I had lost all interest it what I was doing but I this is my first shot of Andromeda so I wanted to post it anyway. I have emailed Atik and awaiting a reply as to what to do with my poorly camera.