Saturday 24 May 2014


Apologies for the lack of posts. Me, like the rest of the UK has suffered for a month now with the dreaded cloudouts. However excitement and tension across the astronomical world had reached a pinnacle last night with a new meteor shower called the Camelopardalids. We knew the peak would hit about 3:00am BST. I had the kit set up and ready. My ageing Canon 40D with an 18mm lens at Iso1600 is a proven success for me in the past. I set the alarm for 2:50 and got up to see once again full cloud and rain. To be expected I suppose. As I gently lay my head on the pillow and began to dream again, the flashes of a thousand meteors lit up my eyelids and I slept again till dawn. Upon checking websites this morning it appears the shower inside my dream was the best we could had hoped for...

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California Nebula

  NGC1499 The California Nebula. Discovered in 1889 The California Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation of Perseus, currently v...